Tahun 1885, datang serombongan peneliti, pimpinan J.W.Ijzerman. Mereka mengamati bangunan suci yang sudah disebut Candi borobudur, dekat Magelang di Jawa Tengah.
In 1885 a group of researchers, under J.W.Ijzerman., conducted a survey of the remains of the structure, which had been named the Borobudur Tempel, located near Magelang in central java.
Mereka lebih lanjut memeriksa beberapa batu di kaki candi, tampaklah sebuah batu berelief indah. Tahun 1885, bisa dibilang awal kehadiran kembali “lantai bawah” Borobudur di tanah
Jawa, setelah sekian lamanya terpaksa dipendam, demi keutuhan bangunan suci umat Buddha buatan manusia dinasti Sailendra.
During closer etamination of several stones at the foot of the borobudur temple, it was noted that one of the stones contained a beautiful carved relief. The year 1885 was beginning of the reappear once of the ground floor of the borobudur templein the land of java. After years of being hidden away, the temple sacred to Buddhists, built during the Sailendra dynasty, had emerged once more.
Alur cerita bergambar denagn adegan tak berkesinambungan, harus diamati berkeliling dengan badan candi disebelah kanan. Arah putar pradaksina (putaran jarum jam) berawal dari sudut tenggara, berputar ke sudut barat daya, barat laut dan berakhir ke timur laut dan sisi timur. Itulah Karmawibangga !!
The flow of the stories in the relief does not follow an ordinary sequence, and should be observed clockwise, or Pradaksina beginning from the southeasterntip, to the southwest, the northwest, northeast, and ending at the eastern side . This is KARMAWIBHANGGA !!
Karma adalah perbuatan, wibhangga artinya gelombang atau alur. Karmawibhangga memang alur kehidupan manusia, baik pada masa hidup maupun setelah mati. Jadi baik buruknya nasib ditentukan oleh perbuatan (karma). Ajaran dari naskah Maha Karmavibhangga ini meneguhkan bahwa suatu perbuatan pasti ada akibatnya.
Karma means action or deeds, while wibhangga is a wave or flow,. So karmawibhangga signifies the flow of man’s life in this world as well as in the hereafter. Thus fate is detemined by one’s actions (karma). The teaching laid down in the Maha Karmavibhangga manuscript emphasize that every action bears its own result.
Relief Karmawibhangga kaki tertutup candi itu hanya 16o dari 1460 panil di tubuh Borobudur Relief ini berada di tingkatan terendah Kamadhatu. Ada 35 panil memuat tulisan pendek di atas gambar, buat beberapa ahli itulah kunci isi karmawibhangga. Rincian adegan panil batu itu, dibentuk dari gambaran kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat jawa kuno., sekitar abad ke-9 sampai ke-10. Dari sinilah tersimpan berbagai keterangan dari segi kehidupan masa lalu, anatara lain perilaku keagamaan, pelampiasan social, mata pencaharian, tata busana, peralatan hidup, fauna dan flora.
The karmawibhangga reliefs at the bas of the temple number only 160 out of the 1460 panels found in borobudur. The relief are located on the lowest level, Kamadhatu. On 35 panels, brief inscription are found above carvings. According to several experts, these are the key to the meaning of karmawibhangga. The episodes on the stone panels are based on the everday life of ancient java in the ninth and tenth centuryies. And it is on these that the ancient way of life is revealed, such as religious behaviour, the social structure, fashion, tools and equipment used and the flora and fauna.
Tadinya tersiar banyak “kabar angin” yang bilang Borobudur sengaja ditutupi lantai bawahnya karena berisi relief beradegan cabul, seram dan tak layak dilihat orang. Kini sudah terbukti, di kaki candi itu sebetulnya tersembunyi Karmawibhangga. Hukum karma dalam bentuk tatahan dim atas batu, buatan manusia Jawa Kuno untuk umat manusia. Di candi Borobudur, relief ini sempat tersimpan lama sekali, kemudian terkuak sejenak, lalu dikaji dan ditelaah, serta disimak kwebijakan dari ajaran dari gambar itu.
It has been said that ground floor of borobudur was covered because the reliefs depicted pornographic stories, unfit for public consumption. Now it has been proved that at the base of the temple is hidden the story of karmawibhangga. The law of karma, sculpted on stones on made by the people of ancient java for mankind. These reliefs werehidden in the borobudur temple for centuries before they were discovered and unveiled for a short while in order to be studied.
Karmawibhangga di Borobudur, di sekitar “pusat” tanah Jawa, pernah dan masih ada jajaran batu tatahan yang bukan saja indah , aneh ataupun menakjubkan tetapi lebih dari itu.
The stone relief of karmawibhangga in central java are not anly beautiful, unique, and in many cases, astonishing but they are even more than that.
Di sana tersimpan rahasia manusia, itulah karmawibhangga yang tersembunyi di kaki Borobudur.
For it is therem that man’s secret are kept, that is the KARMAWIBHANGGA, hidden at the base of Borobudur.
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